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Chair applications out now until 1st of March!

Updated: Feb 23, 2022

Do you want to help bring elbMUN to life from 20th to 24th of April 2022? Do you want to chair one of the four committees?

The elbMUN Secretariat would be delighted to welcome you to Dresden and to put into your hands the responsibility of moderating our committee sessions! You will also be entrusted with writing our background guides, looking over delegates’ position papers and providing our delegates with the support they need. Your benefits come in the form of housing provided.

We encourage all persons to apply to become a chair, no matter their personal background, or line of education! elbMUN would like to offer you a space to follow your MUN passion. However, we do require you to travel to Dresden for the Conference dates and be acquainted with MUN procedures. 

Yours Sincerely,

Charlotte Burkhard and Paulo Glowacki

Secretaries General of elbMUN Conference 2022


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