Being a specialist in a field always requires one thing: A lot of work.
As Tamara Schmidt is a specialist in Financial Engineering, Capital Markets and Derivatives, with over 15 years of experience, she knows what it means to put a lot of effort in a field she is passionate about.
If you have ever been interested in becoming a specialist in one field, the insights of this interview might be interesting for you.
Recipe for becoming (and staying) a specialist feat. Tamara Schmidt
First ingredient: Be diverse and interested
Schmidt is looking back on an interesting career. She used to be a physicist and had many changes in her career. When she started working in the financial market, she was impressed by the amount of topics she was interested in. It was never limited to just one topic.
Second ingredient: Get excited about your topics
Technology is complex. Knowing that there were so many things to discover, was always very exciting for Schmidt. A little dose of fascination for your topics is therefore recommendable.
Third ingredient: Know about your impact
Schmidt always knew about the impact technology has in our society and economy. This knowledge turned into another source of personal motivation.
Shortcut for workaholics who did not want to read the whole article:
Be interested and motivated. Because it is how the Dalai Lama said once:
“If our motivation is strong and wholesome, we can accomplish anything”.