Do you have more questions about elbMUN, or do you simply want to get to know us before signing up? We have great news! Next Tuesday, 7pm CET, Charlotte and Ankit will be waiting for you on Instagram live to talk about the incredible experiences they’ve had thanks to MUN. They will also drop some hints on what will await you at this year’s elbMUN conference. This will also be the perfect moment to get answers about any questions you might have concerning the registration process, Dresden, how to best start your research, or anything else.

If you’re not sure yet what exactly Model United Nations is, but care about international cooperation, peace and the UN, this is the perfect session for you to hop in and learn more about MUN. And if you’re wondering about the unique benefits elbMUN has to offer, this Get-to-Know-Session will provide you with all the info you need to know! Come hop in Tuesday night, we can’t wait to meet you and share insights about elbMUN on instagram.com/elbmun!